Looks like you used or reused frozen must buckets for the trip home? Were you able to find some dry ice? Are you ready for the approaching storm?
I did reuse frozen must containers, gave them a good cleaning on Wednesday, 1/2” sulfite solution in the bucket, sealed them up, and loaded in the back of the SUV. Also proved that they’d all fit when filled. Brought 3 extras, but only filled 3/4 of one of them.
I decided to skip the dry ice and sulfite, fruit quality was good, grapes were cold, so I sealed each container with a dose of enzymes mixed in. We cranked the temps down in the back A/C, must was around 60F when we got home yesterday evening.
Last nite, pH on all 3 musts was in the 3.9 range, so I hit the Merlot and PS with tartaric and got the pH down to the 3.3’s on both. By this morning, they’d both buffered up into the 3.5, and surely will rise during AF / MLF. The cab, I took down to 3.73. When I blend the wines, if the numbers hold (big if...), should have a decent pH to work with. But you know how this game goes, high pH wines seem to find their way back up the scale.......
As far as the storm, yes. Yrack shifted east of us, putting us on the dry side. It’ll be a little rainy / windy when the bands blow through, but I’m not expecting much. Got grapes fermenting and am about to go pick up some grilling fare for dinner, nice bottle of wine, all will be well.