Fruit wine question..

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Apr 3, 2008
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Tried my first bottle of blueberry wine, from July of last year. Also myfirst taste of blueberry wine. Very good flavor , more body than I expected. I will make more!

Question: Even with the great flavor, it was a bit harsh and 'fizzy'. Being one of my veryfirst fruit wines, I did not degas/bulk ageas well as I should have. After I tasted the wine, I poured it back and forth several times into a container then back into the bottle. This helped a good bit with the CO2, but the harshness was still there. Yes, it needs to age several more months, but why was the harshness completely gone from the remainder of the bottlethefollowing day? The next day it was very tasty and smooth.

I introduced a lot of oxygen into the wine as I described above, but I thought that the oxygen might have the opposite effect on the taste. Yet it really, really smoothed it out. Any comments ? Thanks.
Pouring it back and forth degassed it and, thus, removed the dissolved carbon dioxide. Next time, degas before bottling and every bottle will taste like this.

Love blueberry!
That is why decanting ahead of time will allow the wine to breathe more nad generally makes it taste smoother. There is a lot of surface area to wine in the decanter.
Get a degassing tool before the next time you make wine. Degassing will eliminate the fizzies and produce a better wine.
Like appleman said, most wines will benefit from decanting, some more then others though. Adding glycerin to add some extra body will also take some of that harshness away so there is an added bonus to using it.

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