Pumpkinman: With this Dragons Blood wine how long do u age it for and how long before its able to bottle and drink providing clarity is there and such......
It depends on the kind of fruit wine you want, if its a weak wine that you can drink in a couple weeks follow the posts already in this thread. If you want a fuller bodied wine you have to add more fruit, 3 pounds is just a start for some wines, we are not talking strawberry hill here, but really good fruit wine. Since there are 100s of fruits, what were you thinking about starting out with? We have been making fruit meads lately, like 4 gallons of pure juice and a gallon and a little more honey, depends on what you want. A little more specific would get you better advice. WVMJ
Pumpkinman: With this Dragons Blood wine how long do u age it for and how long before its able to bottle and drink providing clarity is there and such......
Applewineguy said:i was not asking how long to drink after bottling i was asking how long before u can bottle what is the rough timeline kind of thing. its still in secondary and am dying to rack it but its still at 1.005 when it needs to wait till 1.000 before stabilizing degassing and adding fining agent. Then there is the clearing time added on top of that so was just wondering