Garden 2015

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Larry I love that platform you built around the tree! How old was the tree when it was built? That's exactly what I'm wanting!
I would post another update, but my garden is currently in that ugly "given it's all" stage.

Got about 20 pounds of tomatoes, 60 (or so) cucumbers, a nice crop of basil and other herbs.
Mine too is about ready to give up for the year. Tomatoes however are still going strong, cukes and green beans have given up the fight. I still have a lot of carrots and beets in the ground...and potatoes, and I do have a lot of peppers, Anaheim and regular, hoping they'll make before we get too cold. We had a frost in Aug!!!! Glad I could close up the green house, many lost a lot of their produce with that early frost. What a great tree platform...what am I thinking....what a great tree!!!! We don't have too many trees out here on the prairie! BTW, Mike, those are beautiful flowers!
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My garden is getting ready to quit as well. I still have tomatoes and peppers ripening and beets and carrots in the ground, but most else is all done. I've processed around 100Lbs of tomatoes so far this year, give or take a few pounds. 50ish of those came from one picking at my parent's garden. Lol, figures!

I'm a bit sad that I wasn't able to get/pick any apples this year :( no cider or apple wine. Although I might buy some fresh cider from Fruit Share this year to support the cause. Then I can at least make a gallon!

Larry, that apple tree is gorgeous.
We have had a wonderful wet Summer and the Dahlia's are loving it. Was going to buy flowers for SWMBO's BD yesterday but why bother when I have these beauties growing in the Garden!

So you're back at it again, huh? I love Dahlias, I just don't like the idea I have to dig them up every fall.
Larry, that apple tree is gorgeous.

Last year there were only a few apples. This year there is a bumper crop. I have given away hundreds of them and made very little dent in the tree so far. But I have been picking from the bottom up and the apples on top of the tree look awesome. The bees are making holes in some of the apples also.

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LOL Yea I have been growing every season but I started to press the "easy button" a few years ago. I just pick up a couple of big bags from Costco each Spring and plant them. I was spending $$$ on heavy duty gallon freezer bags, cedar shavings etc. and only having 25-40% of the tubers survive the Winter. They were either mush or dried up raisins. They do take longer to grow as they have to start basically form zero but it sure is easy to pop open a bag and IIRC you get like 12-15 tubers for ~ $24-$30 and they have been good quality.


So you're back at it again, huh? I love Dahlias, I just don't like the idea I have to dig them up every fall.
I started harvesting the sun flower heads and have put them in my shed for drying and to keep most of the critters away from them.

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Sun flower heads P2  9 17 15.JPG

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Sun flower heads  P4  9 17 15.JPG
That looks like quite a chore! Is it hard to harvest the seeds? My garden is winding down, but I still have some spaghetti squash, green chilies, bell peppers, potatoes, beets, carrots , cabbage and onions to get out sometime soon! I've had so many cherry tomatoes lately I've begun to dehydrate them. The peppers aren't quite ready and I'm hoping this cold spell doesn't get to them, supposed to get to 38 tonight. :<
It is very easy to harvest and roast the sun flowers. My biggest problem will be what to do will all I have. I will be giving a lot of this away and let others roast and enjoy the seeds. My cherry tomatoes were a lot more than we could use this year and I was roaming around my neighbors almost every day with a bag of them. My carrots were slow this year probably because of the row of giant sun flowers right next to them. I will not put the sun flowers in the veggie bed again. Lesson learned.
In addition to what I already have I planted 8 more apple and pear trees this fall I bought for 50% off at Lowes and I just ordered a honey crisp and and a candy crisp apple trees from Stark Bros. I am hoping they will be producing nicely when I retire some day.