Get out your raw eggs tomorrow!

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Feb 9, 2010
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It's that time again.... The vernal equinox!

Yup, Spring is officially arrives tomorrow at 12:57pm EDT! Warm weather can't be too far behind.

They say that during an equinox, you can balance an egg on it's end. I have tried this many times, but I have never been successful.

Has anybody else given this a try?
JohnT, I tried it with 18 eggs that I had in the refrigerator and I could get none to stand. Perhaps they are too cold and need to be at room temperature. According to the link to the Farmer's Almanac, they were able to do it. Now, I have done it with a raw egg by tapping the bottom lightly on the counter, breaking the shell but not the membrane and I do spin an egg to see if it is raw or hard boiled but I could not get the plain raw eggs to stand. I'd be interested to see if anyone else did.