OK.......... Tasted the port in many different stages. Keep in mind when reading this post, that the port fermented out to 20%, so if not much of this post makes any sense, understand why........
Heres the must before doing anything to it. Nice clear red, but little blackberry flavor:
Added a little red grape juice to it. It darkened and sweetened it up, but absolutely barried the blackberry flavor and gave it an almost artificial grape flavor:
I took out a 5# bag of blackberries from the freezer, thawed and andded sugar to the juice. At this point, friends stopped over so I didn't get any pictures. But after adding the sweetened blackberry juice, WOW! This is how it is getting sweetened back, no question about it. I tasted about 3 glasses to make sure, and Im sure. Great flavor!
If you remember, when I made this port, after initial racking, I started a second run batch with the fruit bag. After fermenting that out, I couldn't tell the difference between that and the initial port....... so I added it all together for a now, 5 gallon batch. When I racked it, I added some Light toasted oak to one gallon to see how it would turn out.
Then I hooked up the mighty vac to quickly show Wade how easy it was to degas a carboy. I removed a couple onces of must, and hooked up the mighty vac hose to the bung:
In this pic, you can see the gallon jug that I added some light toast oak to.
Then I started pumping the mighty Vac:
Bubbles are flowing. I only started at 15 HG:
then it drops to 10HG very quickly from drawing out the CO2
Picture is a little blurry, but you can see the air bubbles coming up. I didn't pump it that long, but normally from start to finish, a half hour or so of pumping should get most of the bubbles out. Then I do it again at each bottling to each bottle. Works like a charm and really saves on the arm when stirring it out.
Waldo: Im gonna let this settle for a day or so then add the Kmeta and stuff. Right now Im gonna go have another glass.......... It's sooooooo good!