Wow...... It's been a while, had a hard time finding this post again.
Racked the Blackberry port again this morning..... THIS IS GETTING REAL GOOD!!!!! Should have one more racking next weekend, and then it's off to the bottling room...... Wait... I don't have a bottling room..........
Your going to be very pleased Waldo.
Might add as a side note, that I made a 6 gallon batch of scuppernong a while back that I bottled the other day. It too, is the best I have ever tasted so far. I crushedabout 45 pounds of thecousines to the grape in my press, and got about 2 1/2 gallons of juice. I have about 45 - 50 pounds more, plus about 45 - 50 pounds of muscadines. I'm awaiting word on your steamed juice -vs- crushed before I continue, if there is no difference, I would rather get a steamer. These little buggers are very hard to press.