Hi there, I'm only 23 years old and from Belgium and my grandfather started to make wine some 25 years ago by growing disease resistent grapes and my father (a chemist) helped him to the basics of wine making. I've had a lot of interest in his grape growing and wine making so when I moved to a house with a small garden I started to grow some grapes myself. There isn't a lot of room so at the moment I grow different varieties which are also great for eating, the wine making will have to wait a few years or even when I get my own place and a bigger garden. until then I'll help my grandfather out with his wine. He has a lot of problems with mildew on his edible grapes in his greenhouse lately and he doens't like to use the chemicals except from pure sulphur. He mainly makes white wine from his var. 'Vondeling' which we think is the same as the german var. 'Findling'. It has proven to be his most disease resistent variety. He also grows some 'phoenix', 'solaris', 'Regent', 'Frankenthaler', 'Sirius' and 'Marechal Joffre'. The red wine he makes from the last one isn't really that great in taste, it seems as if the aroma doesn't devellop correctly...
The grapes I am growing now are 'Solaris', 'Marechal Joffre', 'Boskoop Glory', 'Himrod' and 'Pearl of Zala'. I also have some Findling rootings.
Now for the question; some of our neighbours moved into their house recently and discovered they had some grapes in their garden. They asked me if I knew their grape var.. I was only able to determine they had two plants of Boskoop Glory, but the other two were not possible for me to determine. So I'll post their pictures here and I hope someone can help me identify the varieties (the leaves don't look too healthy, any hints about what it may be is also welcome!)
these are the three varieties (the most right one is boskoop glory and there were two plants of these)
these are the two unidentified varieties.
This variety was most intriguing. It had a taste I have never tasted in grapes before, and it tasted almost just like a passion fruit! Something I read about concord grapes made me think about this one too, I think it had some slip skin where the inner part of the fruit stayed together in a ball in my mouth with the skin slipped of... or I think I remember this.... so may this be a vitis lambruca variety??
as u can see the color of the grapes isn't really as dark as the boskoop glory (next pic)
this is the last var. It's a white grape, very small and elongated, seemingly seedles, still quite sour so maybe not quite ripe yet, and in quite a big bunch. The plant itself was attacked by something fungi like, where the grapes and green branches had some brown spider veins all over them.
Sorry for the difficult questions, I hope someone could answer them!
Friendly greetings,
The grapes I am growing now are 'Solaris', 'Marechal Joffre', 'Boskoop Glory', 'Himrod' and 'Pearl of Zala'. I also have some Findling rootings.
Now for the question; some of our neighbours moved into their house recently and discovered they had some grapes in their garden. They asked me if I knew their grape var.. I was only able to determine they had two plants of Boskoop Glory, but the other two were not possible for me to determine. So I'll post their pictures here and I hope someone can help me identify the varieties (the leaves don't look too healthy, any hints about what it may be is also welcome!)

these are the three varieties (the most right one is boskoop glory and there were two plants of these)

these are the two unidentified varieties.

This variety was most intriguing. It had a taste I have never tasted in grapes before, and it tasted almost just like a passion fruit! Something I read about concord grapes made me think about this one too, I think it had some slip skin where the inner part of the fruit stayed together in a ball in my mouth with the skin slipped of... or I think I remember this.... so may this be a vitis lambruca variety??

as u can see the color of the grapes isn't really as dark as the boskoop glory (next pic)

this is the last var. It's a white grape, very small and elongated, seemingly seedles, still quite sour so maybe not quite ripe yet, and in quite a big bunch. The plant itself was attacked by something fungi like, where the grapes and green branches had some brown spider veins all over them.
Sorry for the difficult questions, I hope someone could answer them!
Friendly greetings,