Mosti Mondiale Griggonnay Odor

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Aug 10, 2011
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I just prepared my Griggonnay for bottling (end of phase 3). After phase 2 I had a quick taste and it was delicious. Sometime during phase 3 however, the wine developed an awful odor. It's so bad i'm afraid to bottle it. Even with the odor, it doesn't have a bad taste, but the smell is so overwhelming that it effects the drinking experience. This is the first time I've tried the Griggonnay or any white wine kit for that matter so I don't know what to expect.
Any chance this odor will diminish? Any ideas on what could be wrong if this isn't normal?
It could just be your nose is very sensitive to the sulfites. Did you notice this right after adding that packet? If so this will go away as sulfite levels drop.
Does it smell like a bad fart? Sorry for the graphic nature of that image, but if so, then it's H2S. If it doesn't smell like that, then can you describe the smell? Chemical like? Sulphur like? Buttery?