I make it every year, on my 5th leaf. In my vineyard I end up with a light fruity wine. I've tried long hang time but to keep decent acid, I end up picking at 25-26 brix. They are large juicy grapes and huge clusters. I've read of wing dropping but haven't tried it yet.
I haven't tried cold soak or extended maceration with it. I usually end up inoculating in about 3 days of crushing. Looking at 2016, fermentation went 12 days, then I pressed. It does like oak. Last year's went into a new Vadai 50l barrel in November and I racked it out in March. I'll give it more barrel time when I have a more neutral barrel available. Typically I try to give it two years in the barrel and at least one in the bottle. It is easy drinking earlier, but really develops in the barrel.
I've had temps that are full bodied and bold, just don't seem to get there with mine. Most Riojas are blended, but I think most old world wines are. There is an international Tempranillo society based somewhere in the Bay Area that promotes the grape and wine. Overall I like the grape, just would like to get more body from mine, but that may be all my vineyard can do.