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Aug 6, 2024
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Hello all,

I hope you are all doing great, and looking forward to getting to know you all, and hope to learn as much as I can from you all.

Quick introduction: my partner and I are hoping to be moving to Latvia in the next three years, where we will be looking at taking over the family small holding. My partners mum has a few grape vines already and makes her own delicious wine, and we dabble ourselves with our own grape vine (in the UK) and wild foraged fruits. We are by no means experienced at this.

Our plan is to slowly develop and expand the grapes (in Latvia) into a fully fledged vineyard over the coming years.

I have started researching in terms of the best vines to use, from the grape varieties we like to drink. The best training systems the vines flourish under. But most importantly I am hear to listen to people personal experiences, what you learnt, what you would do differently, equipment you thought was a life changer or ones that where a total bust.

Look forward to hearing from you!

Hello all,

I hope you are all doing great, and looking forward to getting to know you all, and hope to learn as much as I can from you all.

Quick introduction: my partner and I are hoping to be moving to Latvia in the next three years, where we will be looking at taking over the family small holding. My partners mum has a few grape vines already and makes her own delicious wine, and we dabble ourselves with our own grape vine (in the UK) and wild foraged fruits. We are by no means experienced at this.

Our plan is to slowly develop and expand the grapes (in Latvia) into a fully fledged vineyard over the coming years.

I have started researching in terms of the best vines to use, from the grape varieties we like to drink. The best training systems the vines flourish under. But most importantly I am hear to listen to people personal experiences, what you learnt, what you would do differently, equipment you thought was a life changer or ones that where a total bust.

Look forward to hearing from you!

https://www.traubenshow.de/images/s...tion/Grapes_in_Latvia for Heppenheim 2010.pdf
welcome to WMT

There are a lot of good fermertables that take less work than grape. ex mulberry juice with a max dose of grape tannin makes a big red wine.
Thank you, I will look into that! I do like an elderberry wine.
Welcome. I couldn’t immediately place Latvia so I did a little research. It looks like a beautiful country. Being in Northern Europe you will need to look at local northern hybrids.
Hi there, yeah it is a stunning place to be, it’s got an old wildness feel about it. Perfect for those that aren’t a fan of fast food restaurants, but prefer to jump on a back of a horse and ride for miles…. And hopefully to grow a small vineyard!