I am new to wine making, not very new to grape growing.

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Hello! I’m in Murray by wheeler farm. We almost have enough growers to have a club! I have 3 regent and 3 Leon millot plus all of the grapes at thanksgiving point (about 55 vines are wine grapes). Great to have you and I’m looking forward to hearing about your progress.

For Utah wines that are grown in Utah, check Zion Vineyards, The Vine Yard, Bold and Delany, and I/G. They should all be at liquors stores now. https://webapps2.abc.utah.gov/ProdApps/ProductLocatorCore Is a good tool to help you see what items are available in the stores (the search is not great so if you don’t find it immediately try different words or parts of words).
Hello! I’m in Murray by wheeler farm. We almost have enough growers to have a club! I have 3 regent and 3 Leon millot plus all of the grapes at thanksgiving point (about 55 vines are wine grapes). Great to have you and I’m looking forward to hearing about your progress.

For Utah wines that are grown in Utah, check Zion Vineyards, The Vine Yard, Bold and Delany, and I/G. They should all be at liquors stores now. https://webapps2.abc.utah.gov/ProdApps/ProductLocatorCore Is a good tool to help you see what items are available in the stores (the search is not great so if you don’t find it immediately try different words or parts of words).
Interesting, thank you so much for sharing this information! We moved to Utah in Sep. 2021 and immediately started to look for and buy local red wines. And we liked them! Older store in Riverton had a better selection than the one in Herriman. Then they disappeared maybe due to the unfortunate economic situation in 2020-2021. People were consuming more alcohol while staying at home, but production of wines most likely declined. Leon Millot is on my Wishlist. I am not sharing my Wishlist with my husband, he would like to have Cabernet Sauvignon only on his property (we have a very limited space). Hoping, we will be able to visit some of Utah vineyards soon and taste different wines grown locally.

We live in Utah, not far from Salt Lake City. Our summers are mostly dry and hot. Humidity is low which is good for grape vines growing. We have 1 Frontenac, 2 Cabernet Sauvignon, 1 Cabernet Franc, 2 Isabella and 1 Eastern Concord. All are producing nicely this season, so we plan to harvest our grapes and make our own wine (blend everything together) for the first time. We bought 5 gallons of Cabernet Sauvignon juice from Double A last fall. My husband made wine, and we like it a lot. But our goal is to grow enough of good grapes and make many gallons of great wine for our own consumption. I am hoping to learn a lot here and share my knowledge with my husband.View attachment 115204
This is so great! I also cant wait to grow my own grapes and make wine from them. I didn't realize you could buy juice from Double A to make wine. I bought my vines from them, maybe this would be something I could do! I want to be learning to make wine while my vines grow over the next 3 years...this might be a good solution for me!
This is so great! I also cant wait to grow my own grapes and make wine from them. I didn't realize you could buy juice from Double A to make wine. I bought my vines from them, maybe this would be something I could do! I want to be learning to make wine while my vines grow over the next 3 years...this might be a good solution for me!
I am also buying most of my vines from Double A. On year one buy juice, then maybe buy frozen must on year 2, and on year 3 buy fresh grapes and make your wine from them. There are lots of possibilities! I regret of wasting 2 years and making all our mistakes on the third year. Good luck to you!
. We have a bigger front yard, but my husband refuses to put even a small barrier around it, and I am not going to grow any fruits or grapes there and attract children. We are going to add up to 12 vines next spring. So, I see your vineyard of 72 vines as a HUGE one!
Ha! All the kids I know want candy, not grapes. I have started a front yard vineyard with individual vines each on its own grape stake, growing them in a head trained style. I get many compliments and questions from the neighbors.
Ha! All the kids I know want candy, not grapes. I have started a front yard vineyard with individual vines each on its own grape stake, growing them in a head trained style. I get many compliments and questions from the neighbors.
My daughter lives with her family in San Jose too and my husband and I lived in Cupertino for 18.5 years before moving to Utah exactly 3 years ago. Children here are different. They are numerous, independent, playing outside and walking to/from school without any supervision. So, I was not ready to plant anything edible outside of our fenced backyard. There is also a green lawn, and our powerful sprinkles are working 4 mornings a week. I had been thinking of planting 2-3-4 grapevines on a dry spot right next to the western wall of our house, possibly letting them to cover my husband's office window and shade it from hot afternoon sun. Thank you for sharing your experience! I am hoping to retire from watching after my youngest granddaughter 8 hours/day 5 days/ week when she turns 2 in May 2025, get myself my personal German Shepherd puppy and start spending more hours in my garden and "vineyard".