Hello from the North Coast

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Senior Member
Jul 4, 2011
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New member, but have been lurking since finding this incredible forum. Off to pick up my equipment kit tomorrow, and hopefully begin making wine at home next week! We've made 4 ferment on premise kits so far, and got bitten hard to have our own winemaking operation. My kits are going on 1 year in the bottle, and have been spending the time since turning half of my basement into a wine making area. Have built wine racks for 300 bottles, and installed commercial sink and storage. Now all I need is the wine!!

Really, really glad to find a forum that provides such a huge amount of experience and expertise. I'm sure I'll be asking a lot of questions over the next few months. Thanks in advance everyone for being so willing to help out.
Welcome from the Cincy area of the Ohio River coast.
welcome welcome welcome. Just dive in. Ask away and be sure to check out all the cool stuff on the home page and the chat room if u like
Welcome to the forum! I'd like to see what you've turned your basement into. Maybe what you've done will give me ideas, especially on wine rack construction.
Thanks Everyone

I'll post some pictures of my wine racks sometime today (assuming I can figure out how)! Looking forward to learning from everyone here.
Hey Keith where are you buying your equipment at. I know you have some great places over there; Grape and grainery and also Leeners. I have been to leeners and they were very friendly. Make sure you get a floor corker intead of a hand corker if you can upgrade one thing.
Welcome to WMT!
Dan, went to Leener's this morning. Picked up what I need to get started. They were very helpful and I'm sure I will be spending a good bit of time there over the next few weeks. Just picked up the fermenting equipment today, will go back and get the bottling equip a little closer to when I need it. Still working through storage logistics in the basement. I will be cleaning bottles between now and then anyway.

I will definately be buying the floor corker, and probably the Boun Vino bottler filler as well.

They suggested using EZ Clean instead of k-meta for sanitizing. Any difference / preferences?
Ohio Vineyard

BTW, anyone familiar with Ohio wineries, just got back from a little place called Markko Vineyards. Very small rustic little place back in the woods. The owner studied with Dr. Frank and does vinifera vines in Conneaut about 20 miles from the PA border. Some really good cabs, chards and reislings.

Also picked up two 225 liter Bordeau barrels for decoration in the basement. Pretty cool.
WOW you were all over the place. I'll have to check that place out as it's probably only 25-30 miles from my house. Next time when you have the time to ride, over there in Geneva is about 20 wineries. Dr Frank's is one place I'd like to visit up in the Finger Lakes. Keith, this fall you can get wine juice up there also a one of the wineries. Another place we like a lot is Luva Bella's just south of Youngstown. You'll be able to get Italian and California juices there in September.
Dan, went to Leener's this morning. Picked up what I need to get started.

I will definately be buying the floor corker, and probably the Boun Vino bottler filler as well.

They suggested using EZ Clean instead of k-meta for sanitizing. Any difference / preferences?

Going to Leeners also makes you think about making cheese and a bunch of other things. Cool store. I highly recommend both of those items.

E-Z clean is good stuff and expensive. I use oxy-clean for cleaning and k-keta for sanitizing.
headin' out again

leaving now for a winery on the west side of the state near Sandusky! Got a tasting party to go to.

Hopefully have time tomorrow to actually start the kits I bought today - WE Selection Estates Old Vine Zin and Marborough Sauvignon Blanc. Wish me luck. I will probably be switching over to the kit forums now that I will have production questions. Thanks all
keith good lord, you're all over Ohio today like flies on sh!t. Sounds like you're having a great day. Hope you found some good places to eat at.
I also got both a great cheese making kit (ver complete, had everything) and stuff to make yogurt from Leener's. I've been thinking about getting a pickle crock from them next time I'm out there! I love that store! :)
Welcome to the forum. Is there any chance that we can have Leeners move to S. Jersey? :b
New member, but have been lurking since finding this incredible forum. Off to pick up my equipment kit tomorrow, and hopefully begin making wine at home next week! We've made 4 ferment on premise kits so far, and got bitten hard to have our own winemaking operation. My kits are going on 1 year in the bottle, and have been spending the time since turning half of my basement into a wine making area. Have built wine racks for 300 bottles, and installed commercial sink and storage. Now all I need is the wine!!

Really, really glad to find a forum that provides such a huge amount of experience and expertise. I'm sure I'll be asking a lot of questions over the next few months. Thanks in advance everyone for being so willing to help out.
e friend lives in parma

Got a real close long time friend lives in parma m

ight have you look her up as she is wanting to start winemaking also