Hello my name is, Justin

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Junior Member
Apr 21, 2014
Reaction score
Hello to all! My name is Justin. Long time listener, first time caller! ha. Anyway. I just recently signed up to WMT. So far the information that everyone has provided has been awesome. Thanks for the posts. So far for the past few months I've only been tinkering with homemade wine. You know the "doing it to see if I can" kinda thing. I've really gotten the bug ( if you will) within the last month. I'm really want to try and step up my game and make something special.

I just wanted to introduce myself to everyone. Some of you may have already seen the not-so-Highborne title around the chat rooms.

Well. Thanks again. Happy wine making to all.

From the not-so-Highborne.
Welcome to the forum!

Tried a chat room once. Just couldn't type fast enough to keep up with the pace so got frustrated - haven't been back to any chat rooms since that experience.