Help, my fourth try

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Have you been to Jack Kellers website? He has a recipe for any kind of wine you might dream up. He also has some great tutorials about fruit wines. You'll learn a lot there.


Good idea.
JK's site sometimes is a little lite on the amount of fruit in the recipes. Find one you like and pass it by the forum.
Thank you a great suggestion Ive never seen that site before it will absolutely be saved in my favorites!
Have you been to Jack Kellers website? He has a recipe for any kind of wine you might dream up. He also has some great tutorials about fruit wines. You'll learn a lot there.


If you go there DOUBLE the #'s per gal. Those recipies are high in alcohol and low on flavor
Greetings GekoDude.
There are a lot of recipes geared toward small batches in "101 Recipes for Making Wild Wines" by John Peragine. I have some peach under way at the moment. Also good info for the beginner.

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