High Alcohol Sweet Redneck Country Style Wine

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Personally I've found that any wine over 13% is way too harsh. Even a 13% wine gives me a buzz after a couple of glasses, but then I must be a lightweight. But I've had others tell me that my wine at 13% gave them a buzz pretty quickly, too.

The trouble with high alcohol wines is that they tend to be unbalanced. Unless you're going for a port, I'd just settle on 12-13%.
The corn whiskey mentioned above I believe is the recipe for a wine. I have it listed in a little purple recipe book I got from EC Kraus. It actually comes out very good.

I made 5 gal of apple wine from 100% fresh squeezed apple juice last year. I bottled it at 12 months old and added a quart of legally distilled white lightning that you can buy legally in TN. I only have 12 bottles left and I am going to hide those until sometime next summer when. I need to make some more apple but all my equipment is currently full.

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