High ph

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Senior Member
Oct 3, 2011
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Just got my Sauvignon blanc juice and the ph was 3.8. How can I lower this before I pitch the yeast?
Highly unusual for SB since it's usually fairly acidic. I'd want to be sure the pH meter is properly calibrated and confirmed by a relatively low TA (<7-8) before making any acid additions. Also, taste the juice. At 3.8 it should taste sweet, but flabby. The sugar will disguise some acidity, but if it tastes acidic or tart, it may be a problem with your meter.

You can add tartaric acid to decrease pH and increase TA. Do not use acid blend for grape wines. Go easy because it's very easy to over shoot. Try to get pH to 3.4 to 3.5 and TA to ~8 then recheck following fermentation. If further acid additions are needed, you can make further adjustments at that time. Besure to cold stabilize after a few months and before bottling as some of the tartrate may drop out as wine diamonds when chilled.
My meter is new but I calibrated when I first got it a week ago. Should I re- calibrate it?
It wouldn't hurt to recalibrate it to be sure. I'm just saying it would be highly unusual for Sauvignon Blanc to be this low in acid. Often it's the opposite problem when not fully ripened.
Sauv Blanc should be in the 3.1-3.3 range. You should calibrate the pH meter each time you use it or once a day. Get a good TA reading, I would add tartaric to bring it (pH) down. Is this a juice pail/bucket?
It is a juice pail from California. I will re-calibrate today and double check. I will also test the ta. Didn't have time yesterday to it. Just picked up the juice.
Sauv Blanc should be in the 3.1-3.3 range. You should calibrate the pH meter each time you use it or once a day. Get a good TA reading, I would add tartaric to bring it (pH) down. Is this a juice pail/bucket?

I agree - my PH on my SB was 3.24 and i think the TA was either 6.4 or 6.8 g/l - don't have my notes with me.
I picked up a Luva Bella Sav Blanc this weekend and the ph was 2.8. Any suggestions? I calibrated the meter and checked some other juices which were all in the 3.2 range. I would like a crisp finish.
I re-calculated my meter and had to add tartaric to get the ph to 3.3
You will get one (a crisp finish) with that. I would just ferment as normal and check the pH afterwards to see what happened post fermentation. You may see a ph shift up or down. Then cold stabilize it this Winter to try and drop some acid out and shift the pH up a bit more. Let your taste buds be your guide but I have had some 2.9 Whites that were just awesome. I would be very hesitant to use calcium carbonate to raise the pH. Only, repeat only, as a last resort before you would throw it out.

I picked up a Luva Bella Sav Blanc this weekend and the ph was 2.8. Any suggestions? I calibrated the meter and checked some other juices which were all in the 3.2 range. I would like a crisp finish.
I agree with Mike - PH 3.2 - the TA is probably a bit over 7.0 g/l.

Try the cold stabilization and see if that doesn't raise the PH a bit..
Thanks for the reply. I will ferment as is and make any adjustments before bottling.