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Senior Member
Oct 20, 2010
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Well it has begun again. Its cookie time! My wife is a Girl scout leader and volunteers at our service units cookie cupboard distribution center which means I tend to get drug into it as well. At least its for a good program. Last Tuesday we unloaded and organized just over 4000 cases of cookies and I remember that I am no longer as young as I used to be!
Any way If I am a little scarce on here for the next 8 weeks I'm sorry, just remember I will be thinking of you all even if I ain't responding.
Also Just because I want to brag, here is a link to the website that I put together for my wifes troop.

If anybody wants cookies pm me and we can work out details (Mod's, is that legal?)
If we are losing you for awhile due to that then we would expect a box of Tagalongs and a box of Samoa's each!
Funny, I'm still waiting on that round for the house after hitting 6000 members:sm

Samoa's, known as Carmel deLites out here are my favorite. You have no idea how hard it is to have somewhere around 20 cases of Girl Scout Cookies in your house for two months and not eat them. It may be worse than trying to let your wine age!