Tart Cherry Wine Spec Question

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Jan 9, 2024
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Metrowest Boston
Hi All,
Quick question about Tart Cherry wine. I'll keep it short as the key specs are looking good but......

I pitched a 2 gallon batch of Cherry wine with Tart Cherry concentrate and Sweet Black Cherries. Cold soaked for 5 days, used EC 118 yeast.
> SG at start is 1.090 with sugar added. I also added tannin and yeast nutrient
> PH looked to be a tad over 3 w a PH stick.
> Fermentation went well, died down after 6 days.
> Racked off the fermenter into glass; SG was 1.020
> Today I racked a second time to get off the lees ( 16 days since initial fermentation ) and the SG looks a tad over 1.00, call it 1.010. That would put ABV around 9.8%
> I've added K&C for clearing but no stabilizer as I'd like to airlock this batch and let it age out for awhile.

2 questions:
1. Is that Alcohol level high enough to age without sulfites or sorbate and
2. Is that a typical ABV for cherry fruit wine?

My first cherry batch was low as well, down in the 7% range when I first started this hobby. Some of that was impatience and some rookie mistakes.
Most of my wines are clocking in at 11- 12%, so I'm curious if this is just what alcohol level cherry wine develops or am I missing something.

Thanks for your feedback!
10% is considered the threshold for wine to be long term stable.

Sorbate prevents a renewed fermentation is sugar is added, but is not used to extend shelf life.

K-meta is not a requirement, but IME wines stay fresher longer and have a longer shelf life when it's used.

At this point, I'd put the wine under airlock and ignore it for 3 months

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