Homemade riddling rack

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Feb 21, 2021
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Northern California
My riddling rack finally went into service as I've started to riddle 24 bottles of my 2022 Blanc de Noir in readiness for the holidays:


The platform pivots around a piano hinge and can be set at 5 angles: in round numbers, 25, 35, 45, 60 and 75 degrees. As shown above I initially designed it to riddle a case at a time; however if you turn the wine boxes the other way around it's the perfect size for two:

Riddler_mk2 - web.jpg

There's a compression strap around the wine boxes - it's about 100lb when fully loaded...

I encountered a problem when I loaded up my regular wine boxes. The bottles in the middle column of each box were fine, but if I pulled out one of the lower outside bottles (as one does during the riddling process), the bottles above would come crashing down through the cardboard spacers. D'oh! So I got a sheet of hardboard and made some wooden dividers:

Riddler_mk2_detail - web.jpg

I expect to be riddling for about 3 weeks, followed by a few more days shaking the bottles with the cap end down. Then disgorging, followed by a few weeks recovery before serving as part of the Thanksgiving festivities 🍾

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