How do I dry Fruits and Flowers?

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May 30, 2009
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Hi all! Newbie here. I am trying to find out how to dry Elderberry
flowers and Elderberry fruit. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I was wondering if there was a way to dry large quantities without buying a dehydrater?
Found this ~

Blue elderberries may be dried and stored for later use in pies,
puddings, sauces, etc. The simplest method of drying them is to tie a
few cluster stems together with medium-weight string and suspend them
over spread newspaper in a moisture-free area for 7-8 days. Remove the
dried berries from the stems and store them in tightly covered
containers. An alternative method is to remove the elderberries from
the stems and spread them on a cookie sheet. Dry in an oven set at its
lowest temperature for 24 hours.

From Darcy Williamson, Donnelly, Idaho, "How to Prepare Common Wild Foods"

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