Missing an Opportunity for More In-Depth Data
"Doing a little industry polling for people to understand where the current market is." This statement of purpose acknowledges the poll is intended for the "industry," which is kit manufacturers/frozen bucket product suppliers/concentrate manufacturers to aid them in market awareness, which I would assume their sales data would indicate more accurately. There is nothing wrong with the poll in itself, but if you were doing the poll for all home winemakers it would be designed completely differently and would go into depth, depending on your answer to each question. For example, answering the question you actually asked with "Fresh fruit (not grapes)" could then (and only then) display a new set of selections, such as *Homegrown fruit/berries, *You-pick-it farm-grown fruit/berries, *Farmers market/co-op purchased fruit/berries, *Supermarket/produce market fruit/berries, etc. That same selection ("Fresh fruit (not grapes)") could also open up *Mostly fruit, *Mostly berries, *Fruit and berries roughly equally. Selecting *Mostly fruit could then open a list of, say, 20-25 common fruit used in winemaking with *Other being the last and allowance for selecting, say, 5, and a similar list/options for *Mostly berries. These answers might not help the kit/frozen bucket/concentrate producers, but it would be more revealing to home winemakers.