How much wine do you make? (2024)

Winemaking Talk - Winemaking Forum

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How much wine do you make per year?

  • 1 to 5 gallons / 4 to 19 liters

  • 6 to 10 gallons / 23 to 38 liters

  • 11 to 25 gallons / 42 to 95 liters

  • 26 to 50 gallons / 98 to 189 liters

  • 51 to 75 gallons / 193 to 284 liters

  • 76 to 100 gallons / 288 to 379 liters

  • 101 to 150 gallons / 382 to 568 liters

  • 151 to 200 gallons / 572 to 757 liters

  • 200+ gallons / 758+ liters

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