How much is too much dilution and acid adjustment for Primitivo?

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Feb 18, 2014
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Just received and crushed our Primitivo shipment from CA.

I blended and strained a sample of must and got 28 brix, 3.98 PH, 6.4 TA.

The MoreWine guide has an example of dilution and acidification using similar measurements, and recommends dropping the brix to 24.5 and bringing up the TA by 2 g/L.

I don't want this wine to be too high heavy and high alcohol, but don't want to water it down or make it too tart either. Are these adjustments within an OK range pre-fermentation and MLF? For our 100 gallons of Primitivo must, I would be looking at adding 10 gallons of water with 750g of tartaric acid.