I am bored.. Nothing fermenting

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Senior Member
Sep 19, 2008
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Three months ago I ordered a 500ml bottle of Red Grape Concentrate from Fine Vine Wines. Its been sitting in the fridge since that time. Reason I ordered it was my blueberry recipe says to add a 1/4 cup at bottling time.. guess to add some body to it (not sure if thats necessary). It will be a while until the blueberry is ready. Anyway... can I use that bottle to start another batch of wine or is that just an additive.

The pic for my avatar is from my one concordgrape vine. Thought it did quite well in its second season... I did let it go a little wild but I got 53 clusters from it but only enough for one gallon.


Have a great day all.

Edited by: RkyMtnWine
You can ferment the stuff. I have used it quite a bit during fermentation. I add a bottle of it to most fruit wines.It is grape concentrate like the kits. The recipe probably had you add it to back sweeten the wine after stabilizing. After fermentation it isn't really going to do anything else other than sweeten the wine.
I use WinExpert Grape Concentrates in most of my fruit wines....Usually 2-500mil bottles per 5-6 gallons.....I use it when mixing up the must...it's add body, color and boosts the S.G.....it runs 1.060 or so on it's own.

I use it in Blueberry, Chokecherry, Raspberry, Strawberry, Black Currant, Cherry, etc. I even add it to our own Northern grown hardy Concord type grapes.....Or, any wine that you want red and flavorful.

I have used the white in Rhubarb, Plum and other light colored fruits, as well as my own homegrown light colored grapes.

I have used a few ounces to ensure good color in other wines like Crabapple and others where you want to show off a nice color.

It is a good idea to keep your bottles in the fridge, over the past couple years I have had a problem with them starting to ferment in the bottle.

Edited by: Northern Winos
Thanks... this is good information. Recipe said to put in 1/4 cup per gallon. believe I will do that and if I decide my strawberry is not destroyed I will use it on that also. I have been keeping it in the fridge.

Thanks again
I have a bottle of the concentrate that I had forgotten about and it has been stored at just room temps now for about3 months. Reckon it is still ok to use?
Waldo, the thing about these is that some of them have started to ferment on thier own and you would know this by plumped bottle. I remember NW had several of these. They dont have to be stored at fridge temp but better that way so you dont make wine without trying.
Awhile ago, I tried to purchase WE grape concentrate from a local wine supply store. He doesn't stock it anymore because of the problem of fermenting in the bottle. Sometimes it even burst the bottle and he had a mess
I buy it by the case now and put it in an extra fridge as soon as I get it. No problems lately doing it that way....sometimes there is some Wine Diamonds in the bottles....

Maybe it was just one or two vintages they had problems with over the past couple of years. I am going to get another case soon.

I think if the suppliers refrigerated it they would not have a problem.
I have never had one ferment. You would have to have some type of wild yeast in there. I would of thought the flash pasteurization the juice goes through would kill those wild yeasts.I have had bottles over a year old that were fine.

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