I busted my original hydrometer!

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Senior Member
Oct 25, 2007
Reaction score
I feel...hollow, in a way...

I just checked the SG on a batch of Fresh Strawberry, put it under some hot water to rinse it, and it just fell apart.

This was my "Go To" hydrometer...I have a couple of spares, but, yanno...choke!!!

It just won't be the same. I'm sure I'm babbling, but, can you blame me?!?! It was like family!!


I believe it, Bob and understand. Luckly you have extra's just like we suggest. You just never know when it's going to break and it's the one instrument cheap enough to have a spare.
I believe it, Bob and understand. Luckly you have extra's just like we suggest. You just never know when it's going to break and it's the one instrument cheap enough to have a spare.

It's the "What If's" that get you...

I probably wouldn't feel so bad, but I'll confess, I used the other hydrometers on the last couple batches. You can't expect "ol bessie" to just stand around, waiting...


Sorry to hear. I still have my original hydrometer and it's the one I use all the time. Like you, I have spares, but I only use them when teaching classes.

I try to avoid using any hot water around my glass wine making equipment. Unless it's treated (like Pyrex), you run the risk of expansion/contraction failure. People lose whole carboys the same way; sometimes when they're full of wine. With the cleaners and sanitizers available today, I find that hot water isn't really needed all that often.
Sorry for your loss Bob, I haven't been able to keep one around long enough to feel that type of attachment. :sh
put it under some hot water to rinse it,
So sorry Bob. But IMO, the hot water did it. When I started running a Ferment on Premises, I would break about 1 hydrometer a month bewtween dropping & unknown causes. I learned to be more careful (ie no drops), but they still broke. But when I stopped using hot water, just warm water to rinse them, they seemed to stop breaking. At one point, I went well over a year without breaking one. Of course, then I dropped one.

Give her a proper burial; one she deserves. :ts

I had a beat-up old plastic wine glass once. I loved that glass, just don't know why. Well, it also broke. I glued it back together, but she just was never the same after that. Then I got married... alas, I never saw my beloved plastic wine glass again. :)
Some people just don't understand how we can become attached.

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