I gots me a premium membership

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I too just renewed! Thank You everyone for all your help and support you've given me past ,present and most definitely future!
Got the poison pen letter from Wade today. :) Guess I will be renewing shortly.
It has to be renewed? I guess my letter will be coming along in August.
I had to renew -- and the renewal took place immediately! Otherwise, it was not letting me send any more private messages due to a "full mailbox." Now, I scoff at your full mailbox!!
Just realized I'd let my premium membership lapse and renewed. I figured I'm not the only one. If you're getting anything from this site (I know I've learned a ton), a premium membership is a great way to say 'thanks', and help offset the costs of keeping this place running.
Agree completely, I let mine laps as well due to my recent move. I'm going to renew now.
I noticed the same thing in that the premium membership expires without one knowing it. I guess I should have more attention to detail.