WineXpert I think I screwed up my Cab/Sauv

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Junior Member
Nov 15, 2016
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New winemaker here. I messed up. I made a 6 gal batch of Cabernet/Sauvignon (World Vineyard). At the same time about 3 days after I made a batch of Pinot Noir (World Vineyard).
Anyway, when it was time to go to step 3 and add sulfite, potassium sorbate and fining agent I did so and degassed. All is good at this point. 3 days later it was time to go to step 3 for my Pinot Noir. Well, this was my stupidity, I grabbed the wrong carboy and added sulfite, potassium sorbate and the fining AGAIN to the Cabernet/Sauvignon. I realized my blunder a couple of days later and have been sick over it. :poat myself!
Any suggestions on saving the Cab/Sauv? Thanks in advance!
New winemaker here. I messed up. I made a 6 gal batch of Cabernet/Sauvignon (World Vineyard). At the same time about 3 days after I made a batch of Pinot Noir (World Vineyard).
Anyway, when it was time to go to step 3 and add sulfite, potassium sorbate and fining agent I did so and degassed. All is good at this point. 3 days later it was time to go to step 3 for my Pinot Noir. Well, this was my stupidity, I grabbed the wrong carboy and added sulfite, potassium sorbate and the fining AGAIN to the Cabernet/Sauvignon. I realized my blunder a couple of days later and have been sick over it. :poat myself!
Any suggestions on saving the Cab/Sauv? Thanks in advance!

Taste it. Kmeta will dissipate over time, clarifier settles out and well, sorbate fades.

It might taste a little off, but will get better over time.
whew, thanks guys... have made about 8 kits so far and cant believe I did that.
Hey Rick, I KNOW I screwed up my Cab isn't even close to being a Cab Sav. Guess what? It's still wine, it's still drinkable. Don't be in a hurry to bottle batch, the Kmeta will calm down with with some time. Sun comes up, life goes on, live and learn....laugh because the worst is yet to come!

As a side note....early on when I would be running several kits at a time....I too found myself guessing which was who and what was going on where.

DUCT TAPE AND GALLON ZIP LOCK BAGS....Duct tape on the bucket or carboy and write the date, SG, type, and anything you want to keep track of (because post it notes fall off, notes get spilled on and ruined, or lost). Cut a slit in the zip lock bag and place all your little packages, instructions, notes in the bag...hang off the carboy neck or duct tape it to the bucket. Looks very Mickey Mouse, works really good.
I keep all my notes on my laptop but I suppose that is prone to confusion as well compared to keeping them physically attached to the carboys.

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