Thank you for your reply. Having been prompted to find my og I've realised it was ridiculously low and so I made a syrup with another 500g of sugar and poured it into the mix. Now it's bubbling away quite nicely ☺ Should make a 9.5% wine I hope!
I think you got OG mixed up with SG!
OG = Original Gravity (of the must before pitching yeast)
SG = Specific Gravity (of the must, at ANY time, but I use this term when I am mid-ferment
FG = Final Gravity (after the yeast is done)
If I understand correctly, you just measured your SG, NOT the OG!!!
If you added more syrup NOW, after your wine was already fermented part of the way, you are NOW going to have a mess on your hands!
I suspect your OG (Original Gravity, Pre-fermentation) was fine. You CANNOT measure your OG once fermentation has begun!
What you can do, however is take your original recipe and plug it into a calculator (several of these available online) or post it here and someone may be able to.
It sounds to me like you did not take the measurements before you pitched (BIG MISTAKE) and chances are it was probably fine if you used a kit and measured the appropriate amount of water.
Let's say you had a normal kit that produces an OG of 1.09 which would normally make a 12% wine.
You ferment it down to half that where it got stuck (say 1.045) but you didn't tell us this number so I have no idea).
And then you add some amount of sugars, say to get the Gravity up to 1.09 again.
Well, in effect what you are doing is creating a wine with an OG of 1.135 and 17% Alcohol Potential! Few wine yeasts are made to ferment a must this high, except under the most ideal conditions (which most home winemakers are unable to provide), and the chance of a stuck fermentation are VERY GREAT at this point.
This effect is much worse, if say, you had already fermented down to 1.02, or worse yet if you had already fermented to dry!!!
Unless you really had an OG reading (pre-yeast) that was really low, you are either gonna end up with the mother of all stuck fermentations, or have a wine so hot and dry and way too high ABV you might wish it had gotten stuck!)
Good luck. Next time please use your hydrometer and write stuff down, especially OG, temp, etc. and be prepared to share details IF you intend to ask us for help. (hey, it's an excuse to make more wine!) Also please create a new thread where we can discuss your problems separately as they may not pertain to the OP's issues.