I'm pooped!

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Senior Member
Feb 12, 2012
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Is it just me or is bottling wine the most dreaded part of the whole process? I just got done bottling 6 gallons of SP and between scrubbing old labels off recycled bottles, sanitizing, bottling, and corking, I am pooped!
I have another 6 gallon carboy of SP that is ready to be bottled. I think that might have to sit a day or so.
I know your pain.

Scrape the bottle a few at a time while you watch TV.
Sanitize them the day you bottle.
Get yourself a vacuum pump with bottling attachment from Steve, the all in one vacuum pump guy.

Then you may still hate it, but it will be much easier.

Rest up, another batch is bound to come ready sooner than later!!!
I usually clean labels during my down time from wine and always have at least 25 cases ready to go. When it comes time for bottling it's just choosing the bottles and sanitizing them. Makes the job a lot more pleasent.
Bottling is our favorite part, you get to see what you worked so hard for, plus a few tastes:HB
Bottling is our favorite part, you get to see what you worked so hard for, plus a few tastes:HB
i agree....the bottling part is fun....it's the prep work when using recycled bottles that sucks....lol....
I think I'll ask for an all in one pump for Mother's Day. How appropriate for a Mother's Day gift huh? If it makes Mom's day easier than it's a good gift I say!
Your WIFE will love the All In One setup. Mine does & wants to help bottle ALL the time, we have FUN doing it. Please do the bottle scraping/cleaning/sanitizing ahead of time. I double sanitize, once lightly after scraping/cleaning, then I store the bottles. When bottling, I take them out & give them a good sanitizing, put them on the drying rack & bottle from there. Roy
My husband disappears when it's bottling time and reappears when it's ready to drink! My 6 year old daughter hung out with me last night to cheer me on all the telling me what a big helper she was for putting the corks on top of the corker for me and lining the bottles up once they are done. She likes to help.
I fire up a cigar and use my automatic filler then hand it over to my partner to cork with a floor corker. With the right equipment its is by far the most fun time in the winemaking process. I'm not gonna lie, usually the end of the night is a little fuzzy and I end up cleaning the next day after a strong cup of coffee and an aspirin!
I love the bottling part since I have an auto bottle filler of sorts but hate, hate, hate the bottle prep. I do 30 at a time a few days before bottling and thats all I want to mess with for sure! You will love the all in one!
I have to agree, I loooooove bottling too! I just use my autosiphon and wand. I usually scrape bottles as I get them, so other than sanitizing, they are all ready and waiting for me on bottling day. I'll admit, I hate all the delabeling too though. I'm probably going to have A LOT to bottle at the end of the summer, I can't wait!
Did you enter yourawlf in the giveaway? If so you can use the gift certificate for that as they sell the All In One also!
I did enter. After entering, the first thing I did was check their site to see that they sold it. I really want one. I'm praying that I win it! It seems that the wine pump (everyone is saying) makes bottling fun. :)
Sorry to come in so late on this thread...

Scrubbing the labels off of bottles is WAY too much work! I ended up breaking down and just buying new ones.

This is not as bad as you might think. My local sells them for about $10/case. I never put labels on my bottles. I always keep bottled wine stacked in a bin with a single "bottle-neck" tag to ID what is in the bin. This way, I never have to scrape a label.

After a bottle is emptied, I simply rinse the bottle three times and it is mostly ready for re-use.

One other thing. When it comes to bottling, invite some friends over. They would probably love to help you and, perhaps, get some free samples in the process. Bottling season is a highly social time for me. Lots of fun!

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