Interesting topic - it seems there are two parts to this - one is the principle of something disgusting coming in contact with the wine and then sharing it with others and the other is possible contamination of the wine.
Going back to UglyBhamGuys inference of wine that had gone through the dog, what if someone peed in the wine ( perhaps an adventurous small boy!) - now this would be deemed disgusting by most, but urine is generally considered sterile and would not contaminate the wine. Would this change your vote?
I'd think your scenerio would change many voter's opinions. Two things stand out. One is pure volume. We're now talking about substantive addition vs. a few droplets. The source is also different in that while possibly not harmful, it is traditionally taboo.
Pertaining to Bob's post: ignorance is bliss. If you eat anything prepared or processed, you're being exposed to all sorts of things that may not meet your approval. The fact that there are FDA allowable contamination limits tells me that you consume repugnant items every single day. How many times have you heard people say that they won't ever again eat _____ [fill in the blank] because they used to work there and they know what goes into it. Yet, they'll still eat different but similar processed food items. Are they thinking that the only bad food item on the planet is the one they worked around? With few exceptions, it's all in people's minds.
I believe all wine makers strive for absolute best practices. They take reasonable steps to avoid risks. The way I looked at the original questions was twofold:
A) If you had a batch of must or actively fermenting wine, and a dog's mouth came in contact with it, would you throw out the entire batch?
B) Secondly, do you think it would be your duty to inform drinkers that the wine was exposed.
For question A, the poll speaks for itself. It tells me that people understand the realities of what we put in our mouths; even though it might not be pleasant to talk about.
For question B, ignorance is bliss. If the wine is safe, clean, and pleasant, giving the consumer a disclaimer serves no purpose other than to inhibit their enjoyment. As makers of wine, we all know that a bottle of wine contains a certain percent of bird crap, bug parts, insect eggs, dirt, etc., but we don't dwell on it with every swallow. For people who aren't aware of this fact, it could be shocking to them.