Is this generation

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Senior Member
Apr 25, 2013
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look what we have done to our song ma.

I dont like them personally... But I cant really knock them either.

They've made a living off of being 'rejects', basically. And anyone who's felt like a reject, has probably bought into their music & that whole 'culture', if you dare stretch it that far.

They're one of those acts you either love or hate.
... And they wouldn't even be memorable, if they didn't paint their faces.
My brother in law was a "juggalo", these people use the whole "rejects" thing as an excuse to do a lot of bad things, because "they just don't care". He use to have their logo on a side window of his SUV, needless to say, he got pulled over a lot.
The only thing that keeps these guys popular is watching and downloading their utube videos!
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Thanks James, I've never heard any ICP before and I seriously try to listen to everything, whether I like it or not. I've always admired the fervor of their fans. Seriously, have you ever seen a car with only one ICP clown sticker on it?
I have never heard of them, but saw where they filed suite against the feds because the feds labeled them an organized gang.
I know my gen had kiss,etc..but this is just too much.
Looks like the same old, same old to me … a bunch of young people having fun in ways which the old farts don't approve! Sign me up for the next gathering! It looks like a blast to me!
