Other Island Mist Blackberry Merlot

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Dont go by airlock activity as that is not a good way to judge ant fermentation. Lots of airlock grommets leak and may never bubble at all. Use a hydrometer to judge if fermentation has started or get your ear in there and listen for a sizzling noise kind of like a soda pop.
Thanks guys. I really enjoy making wine but I'm really glad I have this forum with all of your help when I get confused.

While on the subjct of Blackberry Merlot, how would it be to add some, say, Elderberry to the BB/Mer after clarification. Would this give the wine the body it needs? The reason I'm asking, is because I'm thinking of ordering this wine next. I already have the Elderberry brewing.
I wouldn't do that unless you are also going to up the abv as diluting it even more would really make it unstable IMO.