Just joined from Iowa

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Aug 25, 2012
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Greetings all,

Garden grapes grew so well this year I decided to try my hand at a very small batch of white wine. We managed to juice the grapes, and I now have them fermenting in a 2 gallon bucket fitted with an airlock. I have no idea if this will turn out, but it has been fun and I've managed to learn a lot about one of my favorite beverages.
WELCOME!! Read learn and enjoy! (add drink in there somewhere as well :) )
Welcome to the forum, Rory.

I will be in your state next weekend to help a friend's friend pick grapes. We will be something like 25 miles east of Omaha, NE. This will be my first trip.
Thats great Robie, hope he had a bumper crop also!

I just found out we are picking Norton grapes. I have always been fascinated with the Norton and its history.

It looks like the remnants of the hurricane will be passing directly over the Iowan area while I am there, so maybe we will pick, maybe not.
Welcome fellow Iowan. I'm now in the Phoenix area but grew up in Dubuque. My friend in Dubuque has been home brewing for 10 years. He got me started last January and I can't quit. I have 90 bottles brewing as we speak.
Welcome roryhawke, and robie if that is what it takes to get some rain around here come on!