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wow...glad i checked in today...we are with you in spirit Bob...wish it could be more!
Another update,

Sunday Barb, my youngest daughter (Brittney) and myself drove through about a 100 yards of water ( only 3inches deep) to get a look at our farm. the water at our place averaged about 5.5 feet deep and was inside the house at different levels for about 55 consecutive days. The house is just as we thought......beyond repair.

All my grapevines are still alive except for the vignoles. Only found one small cluster but plenty of signs that at one time there were alot of grapes on them.

I will post some pics next week

unbelievable Bob.....i havenotread all the posts...hope you are covered by insurance!

the vines can stand 2-3 weeks of water for sure...first hand experience here....hardening off of the wood will be the issue for itto winter over...pulling for you!
Thanks for the update Bob. I know it must be incredibly hard to look at the damage.

Thoughts and prayers are still with you and your family.
Wow, Bob, sure different when we first looked at your pictures. Hard to imagine what damage water can do. Good luck on your decisions to come.

We are all hanging in there with you.

Take care and God Bless

Here's some pics of the farm







Wow Wow Bob

What water can do is amazing. Good luck and keep looking up. Our prayers are with you and yours.


Umm, where did the furniture go? Did it get washed out, or have you already removed it? 'Cause if it was washed out the doors, my jaw will drop even further...

They knew the water was coming so they had time to get everything out before the COE opened the levy.
something like this makes us realize how small we all are in the scheme of things
As I've followed your thread, Bob, my heart goes out to you and your family in all this. It is one thing to have a 'disaster' and then deal with the outcome. It is entirely a different, and I can't help but think -- even worse -- thing, to know ahead of time that the Corps is going to flood you (because they are 'saving' towns elsewhere), knowing all the time (all those weeks and months!) as it happens, that damage is being done, but then not knowing the extent until it is all over. And only then beginning to deal with the aftermath.

I sense your attitude is far more positive than most people. Please keep that positive mental attitude -- you're an inspiration to me, and I'm sure the rest of your friends who occasionally "check in" on your thread, only to realize you continue to live this tragedy every day.

Went for a ride the other day out to the farm. Looked over all the damage and of course the grapevines. Seems 2 of the 4 rows I have did not survive the flooding last year. I called a neighbor that farms the ground right next to my land and he has agreed to purchase the farm. There will be some cleanup on my part, but the good news is he is not going to start any cleanup untill late summer.

I asked him if he had any problem with me leaving the vines untill then to see if I could get one harvest off them. He told me that was fine ( after all 4 years worth of work has went into them so far without a harvest).

The 2 varieties that survived 5 1/2 ft. of water for 55 days were Frontenec Gris & St Croix. I have since pruned them and they were bleeding before I left that day.

I suppose thats a little bit of the old good news/bad news there Bob. Those are some pretty tough vines to have survived that much time submerged.

Wonder if you could dig some up that survived and transplant to the new place?

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