Well, I got home today from the trip I went on with the gospel group I'm in. We had a great time performing on the way to Colorado as well as performing at a park one evening in Estes Park, Co. The mountains were awesome as always, the house we rented was awesome, and the fellowship with friends was priceless.
Now for the "BAD NEWS" I went to the farm this afternoon to check on the grapes only to find that they had all went to waste. I guess 100-105 degree temps for the last I don't know how many days was enough to cause my grapes to ripen faster than anyone could have expected.
My grape growing experience has been less than stellar....... three years growing, training, pruning and learning, one year of flooding and this year a drought with excessive heat.
I have come to believe over the last few years that everything happens for a reason. I now know that I was to learn what that..... " labor of love "...... that every grape grower goes through..... was all about, but that I was not meant to raise any grapes of my own.
I now have a new found respect for every grape grower out there.
I will probably order some fresh grapes this fall and continue to learn all I can about winemaking......