2019; pH 3.36; TA 2.07%; 1.070 gravity (store quality)What would your initial brix of the fruit be when it's ripe and without adding extra sugar
2020: pH 3.21; (store quality)
>>> age room temp 1week>> pH 4.13; TA 1.47%; 1.054 gravity.
* basically the TA is high which means that a finished wine with 100% juice needs to be back sweetened
* your pH will be too low on green/ hard to press in fruit. The pH will rise to goal of 3.5 (+/-) and when the fruit is soft easy to bruise it should get some acid correction. For the purpose of pH treat water as transparent and not influencing the pH. With crop on your land you can do the best of both which would be to let some get very ripe (very high aromatics) and then mix back in enough firm/ ready to send to market fruit to drop the pH.
A second way to do this is to mix in a high acid fruit as lemon or rhubarb or tamarind.
* added clean water is transparent to pH (minor change) but has no TA. By the numbers one part of kiwi juice with two parts of water would get the TA in target without altering pH.