Label Tutorial Challenge-Ramona

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From Ramona:

This will be your work desk for your label. Starting out with a
blank 3X5. By now you will have your images saved and ready to pull
over on to the work area and ready to get started.



Edited by: Joan
From Ramona:

I then click on the insert tab and insert from "file"some
of the choices of images I have saved to the computer. Then start
playing around with them and deciding which one I like the best and
has the most possibilities. I did notice that anything winter is
fairly monochromatic. Next I'll show how I changed the picture that I

From Ramona:

Next I choose effects and one of the options is "crop". Here is
where I start cutting up the picture so I can piece it together they
way I want. Each time I make a crop I bring the picture in again from
my images in "file". So 4 times I've sent the picture to be
cropped.There may be a less time consuming way but habits
arehard to break.


From Ramona:

Now I have 4 pieces of the picture cut slightly different. The
last piece on the right was cropped from the top of the picture and
flipped upside down for the bottom of the picture.


From you know who:

The picture is put together and aligned, you can right click on
the picture segments and click on "position horizontally". Next will be
deciding on a background. These colors were a little hard to match
up...had to make several attempts to get a match. You will have
options for many colors then you can go to an area where you can refine
and match colors or blend shades.


For the background there is a specific area called "panel effects"
where you can choose colors and textures and even add your own pictures
as part of a background. But I found this option called "add a Shape",
easy to use.By using the square box and giving it an outline and any
color variation that you may want.The outline can be adjusted to make
a wide border if you like. I find that it is very easy to manipulate
and change and layer.

I opened up the squarebox over the entire label and right
clicked to move the layer. The option I chose was "send to back" which
placed the ground with the black outline behind the picture. Next is
adding text.....and there are many text options and sometimes I try so
many that I have to get up and get a glass of wine, come back and look
at it again until I find one that's "it".


I used the papyrus font which I like very much...have used it
alot. You can see that you can change the color, shape etc. to get the
effect you want.


I used the "text box" option rather than the "headline"
option for the smaller text that I've added. You can say more in less
space. Used "Headline" for the winery name. I'll move it all into
position and align.


Decided on a font, Edwardian Script for the wine name and ready
to move it into position. I'll use the "text box" to finish the other
text accept for the year. That will be last and then I'm finished!!


Ok, Here it is may be slightly different from the
original since I re-created it and the colors may not be exact.

This has been a real pleasure and lots of fun to make the label and
hopefully show you what steps I took and my thoughts. I had trouble
trying to post the steps but thanks to Joan who has been helping me get
them posted for you for the past.....3 hours now....we were able for
finish. Team work is great especially when you share the same passion.
Please ask any questions you have. I hope this has been a help to
you........and I can't wait to hear what is under your tree this year.

Joan, thank you so much for posting this for me.



It was my pleasure!
Your secretary,


Great job Ramona. It shows just how easy making a really nice label can be. It also shows that you can use software in a varied price range. The thought process is the same, just adapt to what you have.

Thank yo also Joan- great collaborative effort here.
Great job both of you. What is the price range of these two programs? It is amazing the cabalilities of themboth. Which is the better of the two? Which is the more user friendly for us computer challenged folks.
This is a tutorial I know I will be referring to again for ideas.You girls are great at this I hope you enter more of your labels into the labeling contests. I agree with you though I think I get a great deal of pleasure out designing the label as well as the wine itself.

My program is not expensive, at least it wasn't 3 yrs ago. It is fairly straight forward and not near as elaborate as Joan's PhotoShop but it gets the labels made.

Great job, this sure shows your creative side, I have Print Shop, couldn't make one like this in a million years.
Thanks Romona. I am not the most computer savvy person having a computer for only a year now. I have an adequate labeling program
which beats the hell out of a posty note on a bottle
Yours an Joans labels are a work of art. Waldo could put out a nice label also. I love his Port Wine label he posted.

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