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Seriously, when I unpack and get the photos up I'll report back on that.

We had a fabulous time.

Yesterday was not so fabulous....
I went in for my first Chemo treatment of this round..
Received the pre-meds as usual with a few more to compensate for a new drug they were going to try...Erbitux (cetuximab)

Within a two minutes I went into shock and the excitement really stated. I first felt my jaw tightening and the pressure between my ears, by the time I told the nurse my whole head was under pressure....

She started yelling and within seconds all the nurses were present with various equipment...Crash kit, crash cart, oxygen etc. Monitors attracted. Orders shouted, repeated, repeated and injected. The Physicians Assistant had arrived within a minute and a Doctor from the clinic stepped through the hall...My Oncologist was on the phone. Questions asked....My blood pressure had gone down to 57/28 within 4 minutes of the infusion. My heart was strong and breathing good....They gave a total of 11 different drugs....It took awhile before I lost the purple color, then I was able to sit up...and, then walk. I was released to come home after about 5 hours.

I felt okay last night and good this morning, did have some swelling in my hand near the infusion site after I got up, but am taking Benadryl and am doing fine.

So, next week will see my doctor and he will have another plan of attack.. There are many drugs and feel confident that all will be fine.

I have no symptoms of the feel pretty good about the situation.

So, I got to live through that episode and..... Life is Good!!!!
Nice to have you back. Glad you had a great time. This forum seemed a little different while you were gone. Sorry to here your first treatment went so bad ( you just got it out of the way right up front , so the rest will go much better. Everyone here is praying for your quick recovery.

Welcome back and really looking foward to your picutures. What an episode at the clinic. Hope you never have to go through that again, it must have been so scary.

Glad that you are feeling better after that. Hope that your Doctors and your medicines will make this work for you. You are stronger than the meds and the Doctors put together.

Welcome Home.

Welcome back NW, thoughts and prayers are with you for your next battle
Glad to have you back. We missed you. WOW what an episode.!! Can't you do anything simply? I'm sure happy you got out of that one.
Sorry to hear things not going well for you with your treatment....things will get better , I'm sure......Glad to hear you had a great time on your trip....It's great to have you back..
Glad to see that you had a good time in Mexico. Bert and I patrolled your road so that none of the slackers here could "liberate" your wine from your guest room...
Goodness that must have been frightening! Hope you both had fun and welcome back.
welcome home would of hoped you would of gotten off to a better start...but life is good NW and glad to have you back

Ive been gone from the forum for quite a while but remember all the good advice you've given all of us! Both my parents are survivers and I know you will be one again! Fight the good fight and always member that life is indeed good(You said it) Laugh daily even when ya dont feel like it!!!! And to anyone that has been down latly....Search for the film or book "The Secret" Its definetly worth keeping in mind! The power of possitive thinking us older folks remember!

Hello from a hospital bed.

I had been feeling kind of crummy and was blamming Mexico....
Finally couldn"t handle it any longer and checked myself in Sunday evening. I have a stomach/intestinal blockage from theCancer thingy...

They are taking good care of me...a friend brought over her new trying to figure that out.

My Oncologist is coming over tomorrow...
Will check back later...