Life just wins, sometimes

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Senior Member
Jul 21, 2010
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This last week really tested me.
I couldn't make this post before this.

Last Saturday, we had to put down a family member.
5 year old tri-colored Welsh Corgi
You'll be missed for a long time, Kayni.

Blew a disc in her back, pinched a nerve and she lost recognition of her back legs. Technically my little sister's dog, we've all taken it pretty hard.

I dont have pictures right now, and I dont think I could look at them if I did.
But I'll add them when I can.

That was the last Saturday.

Sunday, everyone was home but the house was empty.
Well, we realized it's Fall.
You get a Fall heat or you get a Spring heat.
We wouldn't have made it til spring.

We cruised Craigslist, found an ad, I sent them a message.
We had the idea at noon, and it was a done-deal by 3:30.

German Shepherd, Momma
Border Collie, Daddy
German Shepherd - Border Collie mix puppies

Considering the circumstances, we've left names up to my sister.
While she was trying to figure it out, we needed a way to tell them apart.
I know the one picture is really dark, they're in my sisters arms, but you can see that one has 'Brows' and the other is pretty much all black in the face. Well they both have 'Boots' - the one has shepherd tan legs, while the other one has 'dirty' tan/white legs.

So we've been walking around, talking about 'Boots and Brows' all week.
Well, my sister came up with some names.

Nala - "the gift"
Zula - "the unknown"

So now it's Nala-Boots and Zula-Brows.

Well Monday came... I woke up, my neck was out, my back was out, my heart hurt, my head hurt.. And I put the cherry on top with food poisoning. Throw a little shock in there.. I've been a mess all week.

Anyway, I wrote this to share because I consider you my friends, I needed to vent some, and I'm honestly still trying to figure out how to cope.

Heads still not right
Hearts still not right
Backs still not right
Stomachs still not right

Life won, last week.
But dont worry, I'm coming back swinging this week.

I hope you all are doing a whole lot better than me, lol



Hang in their Manley! Hope you get to feeling better soon. Nothing heals the loss of one fur baby like another!
We went through the loss of a family member last year with our dog, Gir, so I know exactly how you feel.

Congrats on the new baby (ies?), and I really do hope you feel better soon!
Manley, life throws a lot of **** at us, keep washing it off and keep going. Congrats on the new additions, they are adorable.
Sorry for your loss. They really do become a part of the family. Congrats for the new.They look adorable
Hey Manley hang in there, you've been through tougher times than this. This week will be better and as always we look forward to hearing from you.
Sorry for your loss, Manley. We went through the same thing a year ago this past May and I still see Gina sitting on the lawn when I am mowing, watching me with a twig in her mouth or sitting on the sofa watching TV with me. I try to remember the way she lived and the way she loved life and not the way we lost her.

Your new pups are really cute and that is quite a mix. I expect they will be good watchdogs and very smart!

Best to you and your family.
Sorry to hear about your loss! Loosing a pet is like loosing your best friend and a child at the same time! Have a seat in your chair, have a glass of wine to toast to the memories and have a good loud cry preferably by yourself so you can let it all out! You'll feel much better! Again I'm so sorry! And what beautiful pups!
Sorry to hear about you not feeling well and how you had to put your dog down. I have been through that and if you do not feel at times like this, you simply have no heart.

The power of a dog to get inside your heart is simply amazing!

Hang in there kid! It is always bound to get better!
I really appreciate all the kind and motivating words.
Thank you.

Rocky, she will most definitely be remembered how she lived; it just came as a major shock to the whole family system here.
I definitely agree though, it's an important point, to remember the good times.
Life will make you bitter, if you let it.

On a lighter note, my 5-year old Bullmastiff-Pitbull male, is completely dumbfounded.
These little ladies keep sniffing his paws, and doing the "talking pounce", and he just looks at them, then looks at me like, "Dad, what the hell did I do to deserve this?"
I've always known he was a good dog, but he's made me proud this last ~10 days. Gentle as can be; it's really amazing to see a large, normally 'clumsy', "im just a dog" dog, step up to the plate and knock it out of the park.

And there's small part of me, waaay way in the back, back there, wondering.... What's a [(German Shepherd x Border Collie) x (Pitbull x Bullmastiff)] litter look like?
Should have seen the look on my mom's face when that thought hit the airwaves, "Is THAT why you wanted two?"

Lmao... No..
Life in all of it's manifestations is a win. Glad you picked up on a continuation! Mighty cute...
These little ladies keep sniffing his paws, and doing the "talking pounce", and he just looks at them, then looks at me like, "Dad, what the hell did I do to deserve this?"

Now that is funny! :)

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