Lowering TA with potassium carbonate

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Mar 3, 2018
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What effect will lowering TA with potassium carbonate have on the Ph?

And the bigger question, why did my TA go from 6.3 g/L pre-fermentaion to 9 g/L post-fermentaion? Went through ML fermentation and now the TA is at 8.7 g/L Ph is 3.43

My thought process now is to do bench trials with potassium carbonate to see what the results are. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Wine is Frozen Cab Sav from CA.
If ML is complete, then most would say the wine needs a little time to degas, and then adjust only if needed based on taste. Don't adjust strictly on numbers, the TA can easily read high by 2g/l due to the CO2 content of the sample. Even bench trials are tricky and time consuming, because you have to cold stabilize after carbonate addition to determine the final result.
I'm with @stickman , potassium carbonate adjustment should be the last thing you try, if the taste is unacceptable. Degas, cold stabilize, let it age a bit and then taste. If the wine is still not acceptable, then do blind bench trials with potassium carbonate.
ML is complete, i tested it with paper chromatography. It tastes a bit on the acidic side but not repulsive. I have never degassed a wine, what is the procedure? Or will it degas by itself over time?
ML is complete, i tested it with paper chromatography. It tastes a bit on the acidic side but not repulsive. I have never degassed a wine, what is the procedure? Or will it degas by itself over time?
These guys above know their chit. Listen to them!
This wines brand new correct? Mlf might still need to finish. Chroma is only detectable down to about *100-400g/l malic, but not considered complete till
< 30g/L. (*Edited for correct amounts) Another few weeks ensures completion.

Wine changes so much these 1st few months. Commercial guys I read often wait till Jan to re-evaluate . And their wine’s levels can be all over the map. Yours look healthy. A cold stabilization this winter could help lower acid a few ticks and knock things into balance if time alone doesn’t do it .
It’s so easy to overshoot post AF acid removal even with bench trials.
Agree with advice above, time will degas, clear, and either allow it to come together—or confirm adjustments needed.
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Chromatography is good down to about 100mg/l to 400mg/l malic, but ML completion is considered to be less than 30mg/l.
Thanks for the education all, I'll give it some time to age, will cold stabilize and retest in 2-3 months.

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