LuvaBella get together

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:dgSHE started it by whacking me on the head. I just blindly reached back and grabbed. I should really look next time....
Hey thanks for the demi john by the way. I have 18 gallons of Merlot and I think I'll use that and free up three carboys. I have plenty of 3 gallons I can use for the extra.
You two need to behave!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Even thou I was late I had and awesome time!
Home safe and tired. I had a great time! Wonderful to meet you all. And I have lots of wine to try! :d
Dave, it was a real pleasure to meet you today. I couldn't believe how many folks showed up but there must have been at least 25. We are truly blessed to have a place like Luva Bellas to pick up juice at and have lunch at the same place. For them to allow us to bring in all of our wine into thier winery and then to taste everything we give them is a real treat. I had to take off but I hope you guys got a chance to taste their wines out of their barrels and tanks. I talked to Charles the winemaker and he was more then willing to show everyone around. By the way the Dragons Blood was OUTSTANDING!
Yeah someone was snapping, hope they post em. The place was packed with another party and we took up two very large tables. The best picture though that we never take is with all the trunks open and cases wine on the ground and everyone is just passing their wine out. We do get some awkward looks.
OK here they are, hopefully they turn out OK, this is about the 4th time I'm trying this. Great time meeting all the new folks & seeing the other regulars. As Dan said, place was mobbed today, had to find a parking spot....








Yea, it finally worked. And that was "hard" to find a parking spot.... You are right as Dan always says, if no pictures it didn't happen!! Wish I would have taken some pictures in the parking lot, bottles & cases were flying everywhere with the exchange, So glad they never complain when we bring our own wine in to drink instead of buying their wines. Although, so of their wines were purched in the beginning......

Ok, I'm up,,,had to take a nap once I got home,,lol! It was a great time,,and it was wonderful to finally meet face to face!! Dave, thank you for the dragon blood! It is now on the list to do!!! Dan~~~you are so meek in person! hahahahah! too bad your wine cellar wasn't closer,,,or was it???? JULIE?? DID YOU GET ENOUGHT??? LOL!
For a newbie,,,this was a great thing to meet, eat, sample and buy some juice! Glad to be a part of it!!
I HAD a BLAST! So did my "" :) I think the BEST label goes to Miller WINES :try What (paper) stock is that? I Love the texture. The Valpo/Temp was OUTSTANDING!!!!!! Al, my real wife cant wait to try the pre-made "KIR" (look it up) I can't wait to get the recipe ;)

thanks for the good time everyone :dg:dg
Everyone should have stuck around. We tailgated in the parking lot for close to an hour after getting juice. Had a really good time, was good seeing everyone and also meeting Dave and Steve for the first time.
I think the tailgating party is what did Terry in, lol. And yes Dan we did get to taste their wines. Charles was great! He has a blueberry/zinfindal that will be ready in a couple of weeks that is very good. Also tried their Youngstown Red and Winemaker's Blend, both very good but my favorite of these two is the Winemaker's Blend.

They will be selling buckets until the first week or two into June, thinking of going back around that time, would anyone else be interested? Also, looking to head up to Walker's hopefully at the end of April.
So what buckets did you all get?

I picked up a Zinfindal, Malbec, Gewurz, and a Sauv Blanc.
Im picking up in a few weeks Barbera, Cab Franc, Cab Sauv, Carmenere, Malbec, Merlot, Petite Sarah, Pinot Noir, Sangiovese, and Sarah. One of each.
Way to go Al... So it DID happen thanks to you!!! Special thanks to Julie/Mike for planning,, L'uva Bella hospitality,, and to all in attendance for making a great afternoon. Good to meet more every time. If only I could remember names! Lotsa good info/tips for us beginners. If only I could remember them too LOL! Glad everyone made it back to their respective cellars. Shoebiedoo, thanks for the rating on the label.,, AVERY #22809 in a Xerox Phaser 6010. Quite a few neat ones there. Ready to stir up the new buckets and let the show begin. Surely will have to go back when they bottle the Winemakers blend. Mighty tasty. Thanks to all for the generosity in sharing some great concoctions that rival the best NAME BRANDS.