I think it was the hurricane...
Several days before Irene was due, our state extension service sent out a
general advisory to growers of curcurbit type crops recommending that
the growers spray immediately for fungal diseases that would be blown
into the region from areas to the south. I now wish I had taken the
advisory more seriously and had anticipated that grapes could be
affected in a similar way.
My vines have been very healthy all summer with several general sprays,
the last occurring early in August. They were still in great shape the
weekend of the hurricane, a few vines even still showed spray residue here
and there. Now, a little more than a week later I have a raging
infection of downy mildew in the St. Pepin and St. Croix. No signs of PM
(yet) on anything, nothing else funny going on, but on several St.
Pepin vines well over half of the leaves are infested and it has moved
at amazing speed. Unfortunately I've had to wait out a day of rain to
get some spray on it.
I'm spraying with chlorothalomil, the main ingredient in Bravo
fungicide. It is called a broad spectrum fungicide so I'm hoping it will
knock out the DM, just have to wait and see now. I wanted to let others
know that the next time a major storm visits your area from other
parts, it might be good insurance to spray your grapes in advance.
I know, I know, everyone likes to see photos.
I'll have to try harder...