I have a small organic farm. Apple & Pear & Grape harvesting has begun. I used my 1910 apple grinder and press to squeeze 7 gallons of juice and was attempting to make an Apple & Elderberry Wine per Jack Keller's Recipe & I've got mold. It said to add all ingredients except yeast. Stir well to dissolve sugar, then cover with sanitized cloth for 18-24 hours at room temperature. Add yeast. When fermentation is vigorous, ferment for about 9 days or until s.g. is 1.020. Press pulp and add juice to liquid, discarding pomace. Transfer to secondary and attach airlock. Rack after 30 days, top up, and refit airlock. Thereafter, rack every month until wine is clear, still and no new sediment forms. Add crushed Campden tablet and 1/4 teaspoon ascorbic acid at 2nd and 4th racking. Stabilize, sweeten to taste if desired, and set aside 3 weeks. Bottle and age 6 months before tasting.
Well, I left it in a cold room from Friday till Tuesday and missed the add yeast part. Can I skim the mold off now and add yeast now or is it ruined?
Well, I left it in a cold room from Friday till Tuesday and missed the add yeast part. Can I skim the mold off now and add yeast now or is it ruined?