I agree. An infusion with a spice could easily dominate. In my liqueur making days that infusion was wonderful - but in that case that was the intention. With wine I would aim for an amalgam of wonderful flavors that can't quite be identified.I am likening fermentation to a curry or hot pot. With the right ingredient ratio's from the beginning and time to 'cook' (stewing vs aging) you get one long and complex flavor profile that changes over the palate. Not one single ingredient is necessarily identifiable. Where as with an infusion the infused flavor is more topical and overlaying the base flavor.
I am going to start playing with some things myself. Once I get myself sorted, I have a lot ready to bottle. I think a couple of peppercorns here and there, a cinnamon stick, oak, bacon?. Maybe not bacon.... Yet. If it works as an infusion, then I'll add to primary.
A cinnamon stick is later this week (first time!) and oaking may be for next year. Bacon? Bacon works with everything! I'm on it!

BTW, there's a chocolate chain in Cleveland that every now and then makes chocolate covered bacon. And yes, WOW is that good!!