Mark Cuban CostPlus Drugs

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Senior Member
Jan 12, 2012
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I learned about this in the same way you may be learning about it now – by word of mouth through a friend's post on social media. I just placed another order to Mark Cuban's CostPlus Drugs at and my total cost for three scrips shipped is less than my copay used to be for just ONE of them. They now offer 800+ drugs.

If you are on recurring scrips that can be filled with generics, and your drug is on their formulary, please check out the prices and see if simply buying the drug outright and direct saves you money.

Using CostPlus allowed me to get an ultra-cheap Part D drug plan ($7 a month) to satisfy the Medicare requirement, and yet buy my drugs direct even cheaper. Another thing I like is, while CostPlus will email you when a drug is able to be refilled, they don't auto-fill it and then bug you to pick it up like pharmacies do. That allows me to manage my own pill count, and it keeps me from accumulating unused pills, which happened a lot before. I prefer it this way.

CBS interview a year ago...

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