Thar be test samples, Matey. (It be talk like a Pirate day, y'know!)
We still have warm days and cool nights - but smoke in the air - so much that we can't open windows because of the smell. A few years ago, Andy at Ten Spoons said his grapes actually had a smoky taste as a result of fires in the area, but we had more ash drop from the smoke, then. Haven't seen any of that this year - the nearest fires are 50 miles south and even further southwest.
Long term, it looks like we have a good week or more of high 70s-low 80s days with nights around low 40s, occasional dipping into the high 30s. The biggest difference I've noticed from past years is that I have plants that are still trying to push out new clusters/flowers and new canes coming from pruned ones. I turned off irrigation about two weeks ago, thinking that was the issue. I'm not worried about enough fall moisture in the ground for overwinter - that will come. I have one pinot that is up against a fence that had the best production this year, but I was unable to get the bird netting all the way around it - and those grapes have been hit by the birds. Right now, I'm more worried about bees (yellow jackets/hornets). But, it's looking good!
By the way, even though I didn't hear from Ron, I went ahead and ordered that Milwaukee instrument - the A/O rig too.
We'll see... that's how this works, eh?