Missoula Vinyard

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Seeing Ibglowin's purple grapes and bird problems made me realize I haven't kept up with keeping this thread bumped up! But, I assure you I have been keeping up with the management of these few vines, "poor" as they may be!

First up, it's starting to look like a real vineyard!
Next, Marachal Foch - and a continuing thank you to Bilbo in Maine!
After that is Leon Millot - looking good...
Then, last is Edelweiss -- only one vine left of these.
(I realize that I forgot the Pinot -- next post!)




And here's the Pinot Noir -- started with 25 of these, have about 7 left... this is the oldest that survived my big freeze of a couple autumns ago, and this is the first big year of production.

Very nice crop you got there this year. Pinot in Montana!

Wishing for a nice long Indian Summer for you so they have time to ripen fully.

Thanks for the update!
That little vineyard is starting to look like a small maximum security prison!

You just need a small guard tower and spotlight Dave!
It's funny - the deer netting didn't work. The fencing to six feet didn't work... but once the deer get in, they wreak havoc quickly! So the key is to keep them out.

The plastic extensions to take the fencing for 8 feet look bad, but are an easy fix, and can be taken down during the winter (if I want!) and the high "wire" is just plain ol' sisal twine!

Shhhh! The deer haven't discovered that yet!
It's funny how the nicest days lead to the coldest nights. Hope they didn't get burned.

Rich wrote this back in May... well, a wonderful, bright, big-sky day with 17% humidity and clear skies means our lows, which have been in the low 40's, PLUNGE tonight, according to the WX guys -- 26* is possible after 3am. Then, around freezing tomorrow night, then up into the 40's for lows for the next 10 days and beautiful Indian summer. Might have to turn on the sprinklers to try to make it through for a few more days!

This is grape-growing in Montana! :d
"Before" pictures

Here are some pictures this evening, before the frost... Hopefully, I can get some "after" tomorrow morning!

Leon Millot are both the red; Edelweiss are the white.



Are you close to harvest Dave? Pics look fantastic!!

Hope it doesn't get as cold as they predict. Time to purchase some of those outdoor propane patio heaters!


Your prayers worked, Mike! (Mine too!)

So... "after." I got up at 3am, turned on the sprinklers and went back to bed. It was 38* and with the low humidity (16%) the info I had said, for grapes to start the sprinklers at 38* and falling, and keep them going until the sun was up and the ice was beginning to melt. BUT, when we got up, the temp was 34 and no ice which meant, no below 32 temps. The next night the same. We've had fires and the smoke came into the valleys with the clear air and inversion, but that held the radiant cooling down as well, so the temperatures didn't drop. I'll do a brix tomorrow, but the grapes are looking real good! And next ten days are more warm days (70s & 80s) and lows in the 40's.

(So, I can save my money on that heater!)
Congrats Dave! We got down to 38 the other morning. Fall is hear for sure. So glad you will get to harvest these guys after the long Spring/Summer. :br

Looking forward to the Chemistry notes as well!
Brix -

Well, for the first time (since it's the first in six years of having enough grapes at this time of year) I've noticed a range of brix readings among different vines. As Rich might say, "This is how you learn!"

To remind, this little vineyard has a mixture of Marachal Foch, Leon Millot, Pinot Noir, and one remaining Edelweiss~ here are the readings:

Foch - average: 16.8 (high 18)
LM - average: 18.8 (high 21)
PN - average :15.8 (high 20.8)
Edel - 12.4 average with highest reading (all on same vine) of 13.8

All samples together (including throwing in the Edelweiss) just over 16 - see picture below.

Thar be test samples, Matey. (It be talk like a Pirate day, y'know!)

We still have warm days and cool nights - but smoke in the air - so much that we can't open windows because of the smell. A few years ago, Andy at Ten Spoons said his grapes actually had a smoky taste as a result of fires in the area, but we had more ash drop from the smoke, then. Haven't seen any of that this year - the nearest fires are 50 miles south and even further southwest.

Long term, it looks like we have a good week or more of high 70s-low 80s days with nights around low 40s, occasional dipping into the high 30s. The biggest difference I've noticed from past years is that I have plants that are still trying to push out new clusters/flowers and new canes coming from pruned ones. I turned off irrigation about two weeks ago, thinking that was the issue. I'm not worried about enough fall moisture in the ground for overwinter - that will come. I have one pinot that is up against a fence that had the best production this year, but I was unable to get the bird netting all the way around it - and those grapes have been hit by the birds. Right now, I'm more worried about bees (yellow jackets/hornets). But, it's looking good!

By the way, even though I didn't hear from Ron, I went ahead and ordered that Milwaukee instrument - the A/O rig too.

We'll see... that's how this works, eh? :dg

You mean Dan (Runningwolf) on the Milwaukee?

I was hoping those were just test samples and you didn't pick that low! LOL
Yep - DAN - am I thinking RONningwolf? In Milwaukee -- no, ABOUT the Milwaukee!
Jeez, between talking like a pirate (although I did enjoy telling the kids that "the ol Wench served up bones for dinner..." - BBQ spareribs!) and thinking about the work I'm not doing while I'm worried about brix and test stuff... I am confused! :slp

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