Have been fighting the da%m birds for several days now.
I think these are passing through - some sort of a finch although they look like an immature meadowlark - but I don't think that's what they are. I got a close up look at the one caught in the bird netting. I should have taken a picture but the bird police would have probably wanted to outlaw bird netting. His head was pushed through on the outside and the rest of him/her was fluttering on the inside.
No, in spite of his little buddies coming back all afternoon and still finding their way in (but I've repaired them many times since) I took my pocket knife out, ran the blade through his feathers and the net, and cut him loose. (And yes, I was sorely tempted to turn the blade the other direction but I always try to think things through - like, "How will you explain this to your daughter?")
He hung there in the vines for about 10 minutes then got enough strength to fall to the ground where I opened up an escape route for the little ess-oh-bee. He promptly flew into the netting on the next row, fell to the ground again and was headed south last I saw. But, a half hour later one of his buds was in the next row and I chased him out but that's how you find where they got in.
But, I'll bet I've lost maybe 5 percent of some great purple berries - between them and the yellow jackets its a long way to harvest!