Good idea, Bill!
I've thoroughly enjoyed watching your vinyard grow from timber to today. Even the pictures of the vertical support system in the snow were, as Waldo might say, "Purty, ain't it?"
NW, our snow is pretty much only in the shady spots, although up in the mountains we've got some pretty good coverage -- several feet -- and still great skiing. (Our local ski area is in the far distance, in that picture above, but hard to make out [up in the upper left-hand corner, through the branches] -- their base, maybe a thousand feet higher than us, is still 45" with 84" at the summit)
Our weather has been pretty much "normal" this year. The plots below may be interesting to some (-- the rest may as well check out the latest AAAStinkie posting now!
This is the airport observations for December -- and they are usually a few degrees colder/warmer than we are. Note coldest temps dipped to around 6-7* ABOVE zero for December.
For January, we had (as usual) colder temps, but only a few days below zero, with one to minus 6-7* below zero. Here at our house, we never saw anything colder than -2*below, and only for two different nights.
For February, you can see we've dipped into the teens once and the rest mostly the 20's for lows. Of course you can note by the lavender color, we still have cold lows possible, but... Spring is coming! Note, we've already had highs, last week and this, in the 40's!
These graphs can be found at your local weather station -- "KMSO" means our airport, which is where our NWS office is located. Just search on the internet for "national weather service <insert your town>" and the local station should come right up! Then look for their records. Oh, and our deer still have yet to drop their antlers -- and they were right below us this morning!
Edited by: OilnH2O