Thanks, NW, Appleman and Bilbo!
Yes, "weather" is a constant, isn't it? (Constantly changing!)
I couldn't wait a week, Bill. About the time you were posting this morning, we were getting more snow -- no accumulation at our level, but --
literally -- two blocks up the street, the ground was white!
The snow can't be clearly seen here -- as much rain as with the flakes coming down... But, you can see accumulation on the top of the posts, and there is some in the grass -- in fact those are my footsteps to insure the little darlin's were still above freezing! (It was 34.5*)
Here is a closer look, with the streaks of snow clouding the picture -- my automatic digital just couldn't "stop the action" to actually show the flakes.
I think I'll dust with some sulfur -- but just guessing at this point. The French American hybrids you've given me, Bill, and some of the ones from the local vinyard (Ten Spoons) have some resistance. But, the Pinot Noirs were bare root and from cuttings, I'm sure -- no graft union. They are a Martini clone from Washington State, but I have no idea what resistance they might have. I'll have to visit with the Ten Spoons folks and maybe even do some research to figure out the best strategy. But ain't it fun???
I DO think that there will be a world of difference in the next few weeks. It is supposed to be in the upper 70's by the weekend, with 80's early next week. THAT will push the growth! Now I'll have to do a little work on removing some of the bushy growth pushing up from the bottom of some of the plants. In fact, if any of you have some suggestions in that regard, I'm open to them -- most pruning info is about dormant pruning for older, established plants -- not those brand new, and... even some from last year are pushing from ground level, although most are coming from the "trunk" left over from last year.